Roelevard - Bronze

8800 Roeselare

  • Property Type

  • Unit Type

    For Sale / To Let
  • Available

    1.034,88 m2
  • As From

    94,6 m2
Mathias Vrijens

Offices for sale / to let, As From 94,6 m2, In Roeselare

Roelevard will become a new, vibrant neighbourhood in the centre of Roeselare.
Roelevard offers a diverse range of light-filled office and commercial space with flexible layouts.

The site is easily accessible, whether you are on foot, by car or by public transport. Train and bus are within walking distance, bicycle and pedestrian connections and parking are close by.

Attention to innovation and sustainability, such as a CO2-neutral way of heating through the heat network.


FloorUnit TypeFloor area
1Offices284,99 m2
0Offices179,29 m2
0Offices157,86 m2
0Offices94,6 m2
0Offices318,14 m2
0Parking Bicycle ParkingContact Us
-1Parking Single InsideContact Us
Prices and rents on this website are indicative only, non-binding and subject to change.


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